Wolfe-Rizor Featured on Houzz

We are thrilled, flattered and just plain happy to announce that Wolfe-Rizor was recently featured in Houzz by Staff writer Jeanne Taylor. One of our images was used to illustrate the optimal use of space to create a home office. We are so happy to have had an added influence on the interior design industry and yes we are so proud of even creating the slightest difference or providing any amount of inspiration, no matter how much that may be. The article used a fantastic image from our collection that illustrates the idea of using less space to create functional offices. Our image was one such space in which we used a small corner underneath a staircase to create the perfect office nook. Full and functional though not the size of a full office or a small wall.

The full article is about downsizing and we couldn’t agree more with the points. Especially about tossing out the old. New trends point to minimalism and a drive towards antiques becaue of the style and idea of renewable furniture. The article is a great read! Once again we are so happy that we were featured on Houzz! Take a look at the article here:


And that’s just the tip of the iceberg! Remember to keep coming back to our blog so you can learn more about interior design, the latest trends and how to turn any room in your home into a beautiful representation of you and your family. More to come in 2019!

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